What is different between Satan and Devil

Satan and the devil are the different names of the same one. 

The name Satan is used to describe the illegal one who rebelled against God, but Devil is the name of the one who has the legal right to attack man. God has allowed man to be tempted, attacked, and cursed by Satan. By creating man in God’s own image and placing him in the universe where Satan was imprisoned, He allowed Satan to become the Devil. When he rebelled against God, the fallen angel was called Satan. When a man was created to be used as the vessel to judge the fallen angel by due process, Satan was called Devil. The word Satan means, “the one that rebelled against God”, and there is no verse in the Bible that commands believers to resist Satan. But the word Devil points to the one who divided the relationship between God and man, leading him to destruction. God placed man, who was made in His image, before Satan so that his (Satan’s) opposition would be diverted to man. This is when Satan became the Devil.

God legally recognizes the identity of the devil. Satan has an illegal status as a traitor, but the Devil has a legal status as a ruler. In other words, God allowed the illegal one called Satan to be legalized as the Devil. From Matthew 4:1-10, it is clear that Jesus acknowledged the devil as the tempter by receiving his temptations. God allowed Satan to become the devil. Satan is the illegal status that the fallen angel has taken for himself, but the devil is the legal identity that God approved for him. Simply put, allowing satan to become the devil means the same as legalizing the activities of the illegal one. Since the Devil’s identity is legal, he has the lawful right to harass mankind. People are unaware of this, so when hardships and troubles come, they say, “Where is God? Where is He now when I’m suffering? If God exists, then how could these things happen to me?” But we have to know that it is the legal right given to the Devil to tempt, deceive, and harass people. This is similar to the parable of the Prodigal Son. The second son kept telling the father that he would leave. Yet, he could not until the father allowed him by packing his bags for him.

It is the devil’s legal right to tempt and harass mankind. So he mobilizes all the knowledge, power, and resources in the universe to operate in his legal right. It is obvious that people are under the dominion of the Devil. The Lord Jesus called the devil, ‘the ruler of this world.’ A ruler has the official right to govern over his nation as he wills. The devil likewise has the right to arbitrarily rule over all creation on earth.

And you shall eat dust all the days of your life. (Gen. 3:14c)

For dust you (Adam) are, and to dust, you shall return. (Gen. 3:19)

Since man is from dust, he is to return to dust, and the serpent has the right to consume that dust. This means that just as the serpent eats dust, the devil has the right to govern, to disease, to maim, to mutilate, and to enslave man in any way he desires (John 10:10). The devil has the legal right to tempt people, to afflict them with sickness, and to even cause death. So in order to destroy the works of the devil and to rescue the people under his influence, he must be judged by due process. The Son of God came into this world in the flesh to legally destroy the works of the devil. The Son of God came to the world and was judged according to the legal system of the world ruled by the devil. Jesus was crucified on the cross, but God raised Him up from the dead and proved his innocence. At the same time, God judged the devil for condemning and killing His Son. Thus, the devil's judgment was by due process. This permitted those who desire to be in Christ Jesus to receive salvation. But whoever does not desire to be in Christ would still be legally ruled by the devil.

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